Water flour & magic

The Alchemy of Bread

Nourish Your Soul with Sourdough: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Spiritual Growth

The Alchemy of Bread

What's inside this course?

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as you learn the ancient art of sourdough bread-making. Explore the alchemical process of turning simple ingredients into a nourishing and delicious staple. Join Annie and uncover the magic of bread-making as a way to nourish not only your body but also your soul. This course has no live calls to schedule and plan around. Ask questions and receive support and feedback within the private Telegram Group. Enroll now and start your journey to a deeper connection with food and yourself.

Water flour & magic

This course is for you if:

You crave creative expression and are searching for enriching activities that feed your spirit.You're yearning for a slower, more intentional way of living that promotes spiritual growth.You feel a disconnect with your inner self and seek a deeper spiritual connection.You have a desire to learn new skills that enhance both your practical life and your spiritual journey.

The Alchemy of Bread

What you receive:

  • Detailed Instructions and Videos-Step by Step instructions that guide you through starting a sourdough starter, tending to it and creating a loaf of sourdough using your starter.

  • Contemplations -Spiritual contemplations and writing prompts to help you reconnect with your inner self.

  • Private Community -A private community on Telegram where you can ask questions, share your insights and share your journey with others.

Feed your soul & body through the art of sourdough!

water flour & magic

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Welcome and IntroductionModule 2: The Sacred Cauldron: Nurturing Your Spirit Through Conscious CreationModule 3: Igniting the Spark: Starting Your Sourdough Starter

Module 4: Maintaining the Magic: Daily Rituals for Your Starter and your Soul

Module 5: Shaping Dreams: The Process of Making Your Sourdough LoafModule 6: The Final Alchemy: Baking Your Loaf

The Alchemy of Bread


My wife Sophie is on this two week journey learning how to make sourdough starter in order to make sourdough bread and she just made the most amazing sourdough crackers for the first time using some of the sourdough discard! I can't wait to taste all the other delicious stuff she's going to make with the discard! #happyhusband 🤤 ~ Yerasimos

I recently completed "The Alchemy of Bread" online course dedicated to mastering the art of sourdough bread baking from scratch, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the experience.
The course is a well-rounded blend of recorded videos and written instructions, providing an easy to follow and accessible approach to learning the intricacies of sourdough. Each module is thoughtfully designed, making complex techniques approachable for beginners like myself.
One of the standout features of the course is the excellent support provided through an online Telegram group. The community is active and engaging, and the feedback and encouragement from both the instructor (Annie) and fellow students added immense value to the learning process. It’s clear that Annie is dedicated to helping students succeed.
Aside from the practical tools learned from baking, this course also weaves in an element of personal growth & spirituality that is intertwined with the baking process. There are contemplations with each step to really look within (& without) to examine how being creative and making something so simple, yet complex, can be a mirror to your own life and knowing yourself on a deeper level.
"The Alchemy of Bread" offers a lifelong, sustainable skill that not only enriches your culinary repertoire but also connects you with a tradition of bread-making that spans centuries. The skills and knowledge gained from this course are sure to be valuable for years to come.
Overall, I highly recommend "The Alchemy of Bread" to anyone interested in sourdough baking. It’s an investment in both your kitchen skills and your appreciation for the art of bread-making.

Feed your soul & body through the art of sourdough!

The Alchemy of Bread

Your Guide and Instructor

Annie Alcorn is the founder and visionary behind A Sacred Wild Life, a holistic business dedicated to nurturing the connection between individuals and nature. With a deep passion for knowing that all experiences in life carry the seeds necessary for its growth, Annie combines her deep reverence for nature’s rhythms, the belief that we are all creative and her love of cooking and daily practices to create courses and offerings that promote self knowledge, authentic self-esteem, and embodied resilience. Her favorite question to ask with every experience of life is ‘what does that reveal to you about yourself?’Through A Sacred Wild Life, Annie aims to inspire others to come home to the rhythms of nature and lead a more beautiful, slow, conscious life.

The Alchemy of Bread


This price includes all the curriculum plus an interactive and private community on Telegram to take this process deeper. You will have access to the content in this course for one year.


Feed your soul & body through the art of sourdough!

The Alchemy of Bread


1. When does the next course start?
The course is always available! You can start whenever you're ready and move through the lessons at your own pace.
2. Do I need a starter to begin?
No, you don’t need a starter. You’ll be creating your own from scratch as part of the course!
3. How much time do I need to commit each day?
You can expect to spend about 15-30 minutes daily on creating and maintaining your starter, and around 4-5 hours spread over a few days to bake your first loaf. The course is designed to fit into your life, with flexible time frames for each activity.
4. What if I've never baked bread before?
No prior baking experience is needed! This course is beginner-friendly and guides you through each step, from creating your starter to baking your first sourdough loaf. You'll learn the process slowly, with plenty of support and encouragement.
5. What equipment will I need?
You’ll need a few basic kitchen tools: a mixing bowl, a scale (optional but recommended), a spatula or wooden spoon, a Dutch oven or baking stone, and a clean kitchen towel. The course will provide a full list and suggestions for substitutions if needed.
6. What ingredients are required for the course?
All you need to get started is flour, water, and salt. The course will guide you through choosing the right types of flour and other optional ingredients to enhance your sourdough baking experience.
7. How does this course connect with personal and spiritual growth?
This course isn’t just about baking bread; it’s a journey of self-discovery. Each stage of the sourdough process mirrors an alchemical transformation, guiding you to deeper self-awareness and connection with your inner wisdom. Through reflection and mindful practices woven into the lessons, you'll nourish not just your body, but your soul, aligning with nature’s rhythms and your own true essence.

The Alchemy of Bread

Join Today

Explore the art of sourdough, create a nourishing loaf and enrich your spirit in this two week journey.

Feed your soul & body through the art of sourdough!